Your Link Building Campaign - Here's How

So you've learned about the power of incoming links to boost your website visibility and now you want to start a link building campaign.

First, let's just point out two different keys in link building. Link popularity is the measure of inbound links to your web site. Link analysis examins which sites are linking to you and the text of the link itself.

While building links may be cumbersome and time-consuming, the good news is that there are really many ways to go about doing it. The most important factor to tackle before you even start is the quality of your site. Make sure that your site looks professional and offers valuable information. It should also be user-friendly and easy to navigate. Make sure that you validate your HTML code and check to make sure that all of your site's links are working. To do this, you can use one of the many tools that are available online. Why do you need to do this? First of all because any owner of a quality site that wants to link to yours will check to make sure your links are working. They will not want to link to a site that has broken links. Secondly, directories will not accept sites that have broken links or errors. If you're going to be submitting your site to the directories, which you should be doing, you will need to have your links all up and running.

Here's a crucial concept that many people leave out in their link building campaign. Budgeting your time. If you haven't already budgeted out how much time you will spend on your link building activities, then do that now. If you don't allot time to do this, it will not get done. The process of link building takes time. You start out very slowly and start increasing gradually. Over time, you can build up more links than you ever thought possible. Along these same lines, it helps to set some short-term, long-term and mid-term goals. When you first start out, a realistic goal would just be to get one link. This takes time. Once you've done that, set a goal for how many you want to get in a week or month. Next, you can have a good idea of how many you would like to have a year from your link building effort start date. And always remember to be patient--this takes time. You also want to make sure that you track your progress and stay organized so you know who is linking to you and who isn't. . .and who you've already asked to link to you and who you haven't. Don't be discouraged by a lot of "no"s in the beginning when you ask a company to link to you. This is just par for the course.

Finally, work on internal link building. The structure of your internal links plays into how well your link building campaign will do overall.

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